Good News, Bad News

  I hope to keep the schedule for 31 days of Halloween like planned BUT I have 8 days to move. The city condemned my place on Monday and just gave us 10 days to vacate. Luckily I already signed a lease for another place but still need to pack up and move. Friday's original post (which means next Monday was moved to Friday so no new posts after Friday until October!) has been moved to the second as it was Orko random image so I am using it for the event.  The other issue is that I might be w/o net for a few days.  Comic strip treasures should not be affected for their event as I have more than enough strips and can quickly throw 5 strips up w/o commentary. A lot of what I was using for this page are boxed and have no time to work on it.


  1. Dang! Had I lived around you I'd be more than willing to help, Alexis. Around here, I'm the one they call everytime there's a move involved. Hope everything goes well. Looking forward to seeing your new toy set up at the new place👍


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