The spotlights keep coming and this time its Oogie Boogie's turn! Oogie Boogie is by far my favorite character in A Nightmare Before Christmas (NBX). I don't know why, I really hate bugs, but he has been ever since I first saw the movie when it was released in the 90s! That is why its so funny that I got him in the only 2 NBX blind bags that I ever opened and I also got his Reaction figure to go with Jack and Sally!
This is Oogie's Reaction figure from Funko. I love this figure so well, As many have noted on other sites and in forums back when these were being released, the sculpting is fantastic and much more detailed than other Reaction lines! Its probably why I have 3 from this line and only 1 or 2 from others (if that)!
Funko's Mystery Mini Oogie. This guy is cool and like almost all other mystery minis he has no articulation!
Lastly, this is the Hot Topic Exclusive Oogie Boogie. They had a few I believe but this one is him torn, you can see the bugs on the arm, but I hide it.
That is a look at my Oogie Boogie collection. Nightmare Before Christmas is a work or art imo and I haven't seen it in years but this year I just might sit down and watch it again! After all "This is Halloween, Halloween...."
This is Oogie's Reaction figure from Funko. I love this figure so well, As many have noted on other sites and in forums back when these were being released, the sculpting is fantastic and much more detailed than other Reaction lines! Its probably why I have 3 from this line and only 1 or 2 from others (if that)!
Funko's Mystery Mini Oogie. This guy is cool and like almost all other mystery minis he has no articulation!
Lastly, this is the Hot Topic Exclusive Oogie Boogie. They had a few I believe but this one is him torn, you can see the bugs on the arm, but I hide it.
That is a look at my Oogie Boogie collection. Nightmare Before Christmas is a work or art imo and I haven't seen it in years but this year I just might sit down and watch it again! After all "This is Halloween, Halloween...."
Oogie Boogie is my favorite besides for Sally.