I am pretty sure i've shown this guy off before but not sure if it was here or on Instagram! This guy is Lon Chaney jr but not as the wolfman but the screaming werewolf! I haven't seen it but from Wikipedia: 

"Face of the Screaming Werewolf is a horror film created by low budget film maker Jerry Warren by combining parts of two unrelated Mexican horror films (La Casa del Terror (1960) and La Momia Azteca (1957)), and adding new footage which he had shot himself. It was released theatrically on a double-bill with Warren's similarly constructed Curse of the Stone Hand, which starred John Carradine.

Warren eliminated almost all of the comedy scenes with Mexican comedian Tin-Tan from Casa del Terror[1] and combined the remaining Lon Chaney Jr. footage with mummy footage he took from La Momia Azteca.

Warren had earlier released his own re-edited version of La Momia Azteca in 1963, which he had retitled Attack of the Mayan Mummy, by removing huge chunks of the original foreign film and replacing them with newly filmed footage featuring American actors.[4] He later used extensive footage from this same Mexican mummy film to incorporate into his Face of the Screaming Werewolf."

 From that I don't feel like i'm missing anything! The figure however, my first 10 in Mego, is awesome. From the great headsculpt to the torn clothes I think this is a must have for any monster fan! 

That's it for today but more is to come!


  1. first picture is a classic scene from the wolfman vs lego on the floor.

    1. lol, yeah he is the screaming werewolf, guess we now know why. ;)

  2. I love the torn and tattered clothing!I will definitely be adding a mego figure to my collection sooner or later. Even if they were a little before my time they are just too damn iconic.

    1. Agreed and the fact that modern ones are under $20 doesn't hurt either lol!


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