Here is one more Stan Lee article, I plan to get back to basics soon!
While searching for images for my Stan Lee tribute, I came across old Stan's Soapbox articles that ran in Marvel comics back in the day. Here are just a few that I Found via a Google search! These are some of my favorites that I saw, some about stopping hatred, others about well you'll see.
Thank God that DD never became a series, man was that version awful, don't get me wrong, I loved those movies but yeah they weren't that great as interpretations. Dr. Strange on the other hand was a travesty that it never made it to series! Below are some Q and A's, now I see why the 90s movies were far better than the 80s and why Man-Thing was straight-to-DVD and not in theatres! Also below is a great example of hyping too soon since this stuff for the most part NEVER happened!
Chose to add this but will let it speak for itself.
Well, since Thanksgiving is next week, here in the States, heres a Thanksgiving Soapbox!
2099 was by far one of (if not the best) Universes that Marvel ever did. Below is a soapbox that I think ran in Marvel Age.
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