It's that time of the week again, cool and collected's Pop culture League Challenge! The topic this week is: "What’s your earliest arcade or video game memory?

 This is actually kind of hard for me because I barely remember specifics when in regards to video games. I would have to say "Space Invaders".

 It was definitely my earliest memory game related. i remember how much i loved it and how annoying it was to try to hide from the aliens or shoot them up only to have my hiding place and in time myself wiped out.
 I played that game for hours on end. remember this was a time before Nintendo and computers were only good for typing up stories or writing memos. I loved that game and miss it to this day.

 I also remember playing Pac-Man, which until I read some of my other league members posts, i believed was the only arcade game I ever played on an arcade as a kid.
 I still love this game and have it installed on my x-box and play it from time to time. In case your wondering, I remembered that I played arcade games at showbiz Pizza and six flags due to my fellow leaguers but still cannot recall any games but some airplane game I played at Pizza Hut that for some reason I keep thinking was Airwolf but doubt it as that was a television show during that era so I am probably mixing them up.

UPDATE: Nope I was right! It was indeed Air Wolf. In fact that is the exact machine that I remember playing in the front of Pizza Hut!

 However I also remember getting our first Nintendo at the toy store. I believe that was at Toys R us but it might have been Playworld. That is when my all time favorite game came into my life. Any idea what it was?
 I played both of the games represented here like crazy (both were the same cartridge) and still love them to this day!

More articles coming soon and the first look at my collection (Frog display) is set to be released on Thursday!

Also if you liked this post, why not check out what some of my fellow league members said on their blogs?


  1. I wasn't really aware that Pizza Hut had other sit down consoles besides the one that featured Mrs. Pacman and Space Invaders. I LOVED those old sit down consoles.

    1. Yeah I don't know how long they had it but I distinctly remember Air Wolf being there as well as a Pac-Man game, which might have been ms. pac-man. They were pretty cool. Ah the 80s.

  2. I own a pacman table but it no longer works. First thing I did after buying it was sit down and have pizza on it.

    1. hehe Yeah I probably would have done the same thing while watching something from the 80s lol.

  3. I think at a maximum I've gotten to level three on Pac-Man. That game is brutal!

    1. Same here even after all of these years. Interesting factoid, Super Mario Bros. is one of the only games that I ever beat even to this day!

  4. Who remembers the Atari "trick" for Space Invaders where you held one of the toggles to the side when you turned the console on, and it allowed you to double fire throughout the game?

    1. Ha! Cheats have always just been an integral part of video games. I remember watching a guy play a level of PacMan with his eyes closed because he memorized the pattern. Meanwhile, i could barely pass the first level.


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